I always feel like my selection in GSoC 2013 was all magic because of the fact that I was completely unaware about the presence of infosec community in GSoC. I contacted Abraham Aranguren, the project leader for OWASP Offensive Web Testing Framework. He was very helpful throughout the gruelsome process of making a proposal. Thanks to him, the proposal turned out to be like this. My proposal got selected and my mentor advised me to do some pre-implementation research so that I face less problems in the future.

My pre-implementaion research is present here. So based on the results I started implementing my GSoC project. After implementation, I did some benchmarks which are available here

Finally, I successfully completed my GSoC 2013 project. Some points to keep in mind :

  • Start early so that you get good amount of time to fine tune your proposal.
  • Get your proposal reviewed by someone, a different perspective always helps.
  • Try to do some research and include those results in your proposal.
  • Contribute to the project beforehand (atleast an issue fix). This will attest your skill with the project.
  • Code happily and receive a nice paycheck :).

NOTE: GSoC 2013 has been a boon for me as I met people whom I would have missed probably. GSoC will give you a great open-source project to contribute

2013-09-09 :: {python}